The second edition of the C'Nano national congress will be held in Toulon on December 11, 12 and 13, 2018
These scientific days are intended for all stakeholders in nanoscience and nanotechnology research (PhD students, technicians, engineers, researchers). It aims at gathering the scientific community in France and to strengthen interdisciplinarity that is essential to the future of nanosciences and the development of nanotechnologies. We want to make this congress a special meeting place for interdisciplinary exchanges and scientific news on cutting-edge research in various nano-related research fields.
The program will focus on plenary lectures and parallel sessions on topics at the interface of different fields: nanobiology, nanomedicine, nanochemistry, nanometrology, nano-environment, nanophotonics, nanoelectronics .... A session on 2D Materials will be co-hosted by C'Nano in collaboration with GDR "Graphene & Co" and the Club nanoMétrologie1. The research network "GDR MEETICC" (Materials, Electron States, Unconventional Interactions and Couplings) has also partnered with C'Nano to organize a session in nanoelectronics.
We will take advantage of these meetings to focus on C'Nano current actions, namely: the new workshops initiated as part of the "Club nanoMétrologie", our contribution to a Pipame prospective study about challenges of nanomaterials for the French industrial sector and finally, the CNRS project in prospective studies and technology watch that we plan to set up.
On the occasion of these days, C'Nano will award the national Thesis Prizes rewarding the best doctoral work in nanoscience carried out in France between September 1st, 2017 and August 31th, 2018.
1Club nanoMétrologie is a national network gathering academic researchers as well as industrials and institutional stakeholders providing activities in nanometrology. It is a result of a cooperation between C'Nano - CNRS and the French National Laboratory for Metrology and Testing (LNE).